Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The "Oh my goodness I can't believe school is about to start" panic mode

It's coming.  And as a result I am throwing back fistfuls of skittles at rapid speed.   I'm also having heart palpitations.  I'm guessing the two are related.

The school supplies are purchased, save that one obscure size of construction paper that I'm convinced doesn't really exist.  I am ripping clothes out of closets, buying fruit cups and peanut butter in bulk, cleaning the crushed goldfish and melted crayons out of the backpack, and attempting to explain to Mia why she has to wear underwear everyday no matter how hot it is.

And Andy's way of coping?  He planned another vacation.  The first one he planned involved us driving 8 hours to a water park in 195 degree weather.

I screamed obscenities at this idea.  He changed his mind.  That's how it works, ladies.  Feel free to take notes.

So we settled on a nice hotel about an hour and a half away.  An indoor pool, some good food that I don't have to cook, an aquarium, and Aunt Sesa.  What could be better?

And so what if we each have to resort to immature emotional coping methods to prepare for the start of school?  You would too if you were sending this sweet baby off to first grade:
I'm off to buy more skittles.


Catherine said...

I know! I. Truly. KNOW......

Kayla said...

I feel like I don't love my kids or something. I cannot WAIT for school!! More structure, less messes to clean, less arguing/crying because the kids are getting sick of each other being cooped up inside, more me time, etc. etc. etc. I'm praying we go year round so we have several smaller breaks when weather is nice and not one tortuously hot long break!!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Seems like there is always one obscure thing on the school supply list...and you have to convince your kid they won't get in trouble with the teacher for not having it!

Amy in Edmond said...

I feel your pain. I went back to work today.

Lori said...

I bet Andy wanted to go to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels. Who could imagine that we would ever need an indoor pool in the summer...

Alyssa said...

I with you.

Gena said...

Yes, yes, and yes. Hopefully it will magically be easier once they are both in school.