Friday, April 25, 2008

Cinderella is so last century, Princess Lazmine is the next Super-Star!

There is no way to explain this in a way that won't make my child seem rather bizarre, but I find it hilarious so here goes: The following pictures are "Princess Lazmine" posing with all sorts of random things. Mia was pretending that these inanimate objects were children standing in line to take a picture with her.

This rain boot is Raegan:This napkin is Aidan:And finally the cucumber is Emily (sorry, Andrea):


Drew said...

hahahah! wooow.

so you're coming to NYC?! when? you might need to stop in boston!

Alisha said...

You may say she's pretending to be Princess Lazmine, but this is what I think is really going on... Photo 1: Pretending like she has just been crowned Miss America. Photo 2: Pretending to hatch an evil plan to take over the world. Photo 3: Pretending like she's one of those ladies that works at a car show.

Lisa said...

What a cute little weirdo. :)

Gena said...

I'm dying laughing right now. I almost forgot that we have to wake up at 5 a.m. on Sunday to run a 10 K. Thanks for the fleeting moment of relief.

Andrea said...

That is too funny!!!