Monday, October 25, 2010

You gotta get yourself one of these babies...

Because if you're like me, and aren't near smart enough to figure it out, your husband will have to help the kids put it together.
 And here's a secret:  It takes hours.
What you can accomplish in the hours this project is going on:  sip a latte (or two), go to the mall, go for a run, take a nap, take a shower and actually shave both legs, and so on and so on...
 This is very similar to my dream house.  For real.
 It really is something to be proud of.  That is, until the littlest helper destroys it (but you will secretly be ok with this because that means they must immediately re-do it).
My kids are officially smarter than I am.  And I am just fine with that, it was inevitable anyway.


Team Andrews said...

Thank you for this post. It gives me hope that Ava will eventually sit in one place for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Kayla said...

I've been thinking about getting little legos. I kept picturing them scattered in every room, stepping on them or sucking them up with the vacuum. YOu have painted a much better picture.

Kristen said...

My favorite part of this post was your shaving both legs comment... I can't remember showers that lasted that long!

Gena said...

Is it weird that I'm wanting these Legos pictures to be gigantic? I love all of these colors.

Sheree Franks said...

We have the Lego RV and some Lego house kits. Love, love the Lego store so much - and how following instructions is so important for the tasks.