Thursday, June 24, 2010


"Hey Son, it's your very first VBS.  Are you excited?"
Mia rocked it as a wicked little Philistine girl. 
Why is it that grown men inevitably turn into obnoxious children during VBS week?  
I guess they'll take any excuse they can get :) 
(I can't believe I just did the colon/parenthesis smiley face thing on a blog post.  It's a new low, people.)
If there were ever any doubts about where Mia gets her passion, look no further.
Yes ladies, he's all mine.  

And in the end the wicked little Philistine girl died a terrible death.
Thanks to everyone who worked themselves to death to make this week special. 
 Both All three of my children loved it.


Kayla said...

Great. So my blog is ghetto?? I'm pretty sure I've used :) before... :(

Aubrie said...

I'm all over the smileys. "I'm lame, and I'm proud!"

Elizabeth Mullins said...

HAHA! That is a really good picture of the guys! You can so tell they live for days they can go nuts in public!

Alyssa said...

I was thinking Mia does get her love for the stage from Andy! How about you Summer? Will we see you up on stage next year?

Michelle said...

Last night Sophie yelled " Look mom there is Mia's daddy and Micah!!!", for some reason she has been obsessed with identifying parents this week, so tell Andy he is a celebrity in someones eyes :) Oh, there's one of thos faces...

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Some of my favorite memories are of the ministers "Acting." Won't ever forget Cameron John in the belly of the big fish!

kj said...

all i know is your husband really comes out of his shell when he wears a long dress.


I wanna be sharon ackerman when I grow up. any woman who can say "man up" from the pulpit is a rock star in my book!; )