Now that I have tested positive for H1N1 I can say with confidence that at any moment you should expect to come down with a huge fever, have the shakes, be completely lifeless and basically feel like you have been hit by a semi.
Here's the good news: you can guarantee that you're annoying little brother will get it next.
All my love (and germs),
P.S. If you look like this, come on over to my house and my mom will wait on you hand and foot to ease the guilt she has for allowing me to expose so many people to a flu that originated from pigs. Gross.
Honestly, I never let on in the slightest that I was feeling bad until I broke out in a huge fever so how could she have known? She is my mother and she should have some sort of second sense about these things and not send me to art class and Raegan's house and let me play with my 5 month old cousin. That crazy expensive Tamaflu purchase will teach her.
OH NOOOO!! Poor girl ): Hope she's feeling better soon! Hang in there!
Yikes! At least now you won't have to fear getting it. We are pretty sure both my boys have had it. Praying for Mia.
The lysol was working overtime....;)
Don't sweat it. You're just trying to pay us back for that summer pneumonia, I just know it.
Poor Mia! I hope she feels better soon! (But on a positive note - that was one clever post! :)
Prayers for Mia and also that Henson doesn't get it (or you need two kids down with it)!
Oh no, the poor thing! I hope she's back to singing show tunes soon!
Oh My Goodness! How terrible! I will say a little prayer she feels better very soon and that no one else in the family catches this nasty bug!
Dear Mia, please take it easy on your Momma by sleeping 20 hours during this sickness! Get better soon!
Oh, no. I think you need a nanny...for you...while you take care of Mia. Praying for you guys!
We will miss you at school this week, Mia. Feel better soon!
Mia- we hope you get well soon... Stone will miss you at Sonshine School!
Sorry about that....but isn't that her normal pouty-face? LOL Her facial expressions crack me up!
Poor Mia! Hope she feels better soon, Summer.
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