Mia announced that she has a new smile. She asked me to take a few pictures of it so she could practice. I will admit this fake, forced looking smile isn't my favorite in her repertoire but as long as she is doing this it means that she
isn't screaming three-year-old obscenities(i.e. bottom-head, poo-poo Bode face). What is it with three-year-olds and potty language?

Why, I don't know WHAT you're talking about, and I'm SURE she didn't learn any of that potty language from my daughter.
Someone's being watching America's Next Top Model. Fierce!
I have been watching a three year old, and it never fails that as soon as we get in the car the first things he start saying is, "You like poo poo. Cathrine likes poo poo." and so on and so forth. Good times.
3 year old potty talk?!! I guess somebody forgot to tell my 5 year old he was supposed to stop saying poop, butt and pee at any given opportunity about 2 years ago...
I feel like I continue to be the bear of bad news on this blog but the potty talk only gets worse!
Ask my mom…
I hope we can bypass that stage!! What are the chances?
I don't know what's worse...the 3 year old with the potty language or her 6 yr old sister who tattles every time she says it! Aghhh!
I love her smile!!!
I like the first photo. She's got some model potential.
I completely agree with nicole.
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