Saturday, August 7, 2010

Vacation, in no particular order

1. Yaya got altitude sickness and never left the condo.
2.  Sweet Ahmo fell and broke her right arm and left elbow.
3.  I now know my way from the hospital to the pharmacy to the hospital to the condo back to the pharmacy back to the hospital to the condo.  It's actually a beautiful route.
4.  Despite it all, we still had a wonderful time (well, at least most of us did).
Pre broken arms picture:

"Vacation is the best!" 

 (I'm not convinced)


Elizabeth Mullins said...

HAHA! Great post! Hope your Ahmo heals quickly!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Well...I'm hoping you don't have quite as much "fun" on your next vacation!

Anonymous said...

So... I just have to say that the "Hello Neighbor" song was stuck in my head on the hike I took in Peru this summer... seriously.

jenny rich