Sunday, March 29, 2009

Green is the new black.

Actually that title doesn't really relate to this post at all but I wanted to use it.
Bode has learned how to get the lid to the marker box open. There is at least one body part covered in marker at all times. If you think this bothers me in the least you would be wrong. I like green noses, and orange fingers, and red tummies with black outlined belly buttons, and blue arms, and....


Andi Hawkins said...

I haaaaate markers, but Bode is stinkin cute with a green nose.

Wish you could run with us too. It is some good times, sista. Lets find you a running spouse. Surely in a church the size of MRCC there are some awesome running mamas. Did Gena fizzle out?

Gena said...

I love that little boy. And yes, Andi, I fizzled out on the half. I'm shooting for the 10 K. I'll be Summer's spouse if she still wants me.....

I'll run anytime it's above 50 degrees and after 8 in the morning. ;)
Summer will run at the crack of dawn in sub-zero temperatures.
This is the reason for my treason.

Micah and Tara Hobbs said...

Kaison always seems to look the same way!! We have even had a black tongue before - very cute!!

Kayla said...

I can run to the corner and then pass out.