Monday, November 5, 2007

He rolls...

This one is for Daddy, who is in Gualamala (Mia's pronunciation) and missed the big event.
And Honey you can rest easy, I may have forgotten to pay the mortgage but I did update your fantasy football league just like you told me.


Amanda said...

What a good wife!!! You may not cook, but you do get the important stuff done.

Lisa said...

I'm just impressed that you not only had the camera handy, but you actually made it to the computer. When Clay's out of town we're in complete survival mode. You're a good woman!

Drew said...

haha, he is the cutest!

I am impressed with your skills...I dont even know how to get a fantasy football league, and even if i did, i wouldnt know how to update it!

Drew said...

and by "he" i mean bode...not andy