Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The happiest day of my life...

AKA Mia's first day of Sonshine School and my first day with just one kid, which as of two weeks ago seems like a piece of cake.

And I finally figured out how to get all of us ready and out the door by 9:15 AM. It goes something like this:

4:00 AM - feed Bode, get a shower and get ready as fast as I possibly can (all the while running back and forth from the moses basket to the bathroom in next to nothing to make sure Bode isn't screaming)

5:00 -7:00 AM - pump, eat cereal, pick up living room, check e-mail, and I think I might have blacked out at some point

7:30 - go in Mia's room to find her hiding in the closet. Immediately turn into Mommy Nazi and rush her straight to the bathroom to start the long process of getting her ready.

7:32 - Bode screams, try to put him in his sling, he hates it, screams more. Mia screams at me to make Bode stop screaming. I scream at her to quit screaming.

8:15 - plop Mia down in front of TV, get her a bowl of peanut butter and a spoon (her request this time, I promise), start nursing Bode

9:00 - get car loaded, take adorable pictures (see above)

9:15 - get kids in the car, Mia announces that she has to poop and it can't wait

9:16 - get Mia out of car, think lots of bad thoughts that I must repent for later, make decision to leave Bode in the car, plop Mia on toilet, run back to car to make sure mass murderer hasn't stolen my kid, run back to bathroom, make sure Mia is appropriately cleaned, put her back in the car

9:20 - we are finally on our way

See, it is that easy!


DeeDee said...

Very entertaining! Thanks for sharing. That will prob be me in a few months when #3 comes a long.

Micah and Tara Hobbs said...

You are dedicated!! I have good intentions on getting up and getting ready after that early morning feeding, just to have some time before Kadence wakes up but somehow I always seem to fall back asleep. Needless to say, I am not adjusting very well to this lack of sleep thing. Kadence is always about half dressed when we have to be anywhere that early in the morning. (And like 9:15 is that early). :-)

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Summer thank you so much...I am so glad to read your blog because it makes me realize how much we go through...but you say it so much better than I do. Hang in there!

Drew said...

um, wow. I think I would poke my eye out.

you are like the ultimate soccer mom!

Amanda said...

Ok, so getting up early (6:50) and spending 2 hours a day on public transportation, and 3 hours in German class is not so bad.

D's Mom said...

Wow, Summer....I think when my #2 comes along at the end of March, it's going to be a whole new ballgame. :)
-Katie B.

rebeckaoneal said...

i would never get up that early and who is that cute girl next to mia shes cute as well as mia i think they will make great friends