Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Doc

Playing doctor took a disturbing turn when the power tools were introduced.


bailey said...

maybe he will be a neurosurgeon, they get to use drills, right?

The Undomestic Mom said...


Crislyn said...

Umm...I think it's pretty obvious he wants to be a dentist when he grows up! Maybe he can take over Sam's (future) practice in 25-30 years! :)

bailey said...

I've got your muffins ready to deliver, will you be at the office at all tomorrow?

Wa Wa Waughs said...

He's all boy!

I guess you saw him come down to sit by his cousin and Grandma tonight...I was sitting on the same row with my neighbor and her girls...they LOVE babies and thought he and Henson both were adorable!