The newest addition to the
Lashley family will be here in six to
eight weeks. Meet "The Spencer" from
this lovely company.
Dear Spencer,
I have searched for you for two years now. Know that you have been dreamed of, yearned for, and loved ever since I first laid eyes on you. We all wait in eager anticipation of your arrival. I hope and pray you will adjust to your new life here in suburbia. As wonderful as this place is, I feel I must warn you that there are two tiny little monsters that live here. They resemble big people but are much more disgusting and will probably not appreciate your
beautiful, simple modern design. I will do my best to protect you from their grimy fingers and snotty faces, but I can't promise you anything. They are scary little time bombs just ticking away, which is why I insured you for ten years and am confident it will be the best
money I ever spent.
All my love,