Just a couple of the numerous reasons Bode has been uninvited to our trip to Disney in October. Sorry Son, after your behavior at Big Cedar you just didn't make the cut. Better luck next time.

We finally decided to do Bode a favor and leave him with his grandparents to be spoiled beyond recognition. I don't think he will miss us, or Disney one little bit. And we probably won't miss him much either!
you guys are going again??
Yes, we have become one of those families. We may as well just buy fanny packs and mickey ear headbands.
ok, let me clarify, I am so jealous, you guys are going again???
We are going again but not until Cali is about 4. Caden was only a few weeks shy of her 4th b-day when we went and I thought it was the perfect age.
What resort did you stay at?
Bode is out, Gena is in....Bode is out, Gena is in. I will find a way to hypnotize you into believing this before October.
Yes, we are going back only because we got free tickets that had to be used before the end of the year. So Mia will be going twice in 6 months. She is going to have some super high expectaions after this.
MTV's Sweet 16 here we come!!!!
Do you think the grandparents would mind watching Charlie as well? No fair! I'll be giving you dirty looks as I pass you in MK.
hey JaySea's birthday is this weekend she would love for Mia to come it is at 3pm just let me know if you think you will make it and i will tell you how to get here
How fun! Can't wait to see the pics! Is it Disneyland or Disney World?
The lady on one of the blogs I read seems to be doing a series on Disney World vacations, so I thought you might like to check it out: Don't Try This At Home.
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