Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This too shall pass.

Bode's latest phase:  A man-purse.  It's slightly mortifying and slightly awesome.  
Tonight he rocked the European carry-all in bible class.  I almost apologized to his teacher for it until he whipped it open, shoved all his class papers in it and offered me some of his chapstick.
Hey, if it makes my life easier I'm all for it.
And if his "satchel" causes you to question his manliness, he will totally go ninja on you.


Wa Wa Waughs said...

LOL! My daughter once dated a guy who carried a man bag. Or whatever it's called. Kinda creeped me out too but he was a pretty neat guy, actually. So I'll give B the benefit of the doubt. Don't want to get hurt.

ann said...

You go, boy!

Verna said...

If anyone can pull off the man purse, it's Bode! ; ) Way to rock the man satchel!

Unknown said...

That is HILARIOUS! AT least he's totally confident in his manhood. :)