Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cat in the Fancy Nancy Hat

This was a busy week in the Lashley family.  I usually don't like busy weeks.  But when they revolve around reading I really can't complain.

Mia was thrilled to get to meet the illustrator of all the Fancy Nancy books, Robin Glasser (thank you, Oakdale).  Like, she really, really cared, because "being an illustrator is one of the three things that I want to be when I grow up, duh."  

And Bode didn't care at all that is was Dr. Seuss day at Sonshine School because, "The Cat in the Hat isn't a Jedi and I'm a Jedi so I can't be the Cat in the Hat."  He's quite the philosopher.
Seeing Mia standing at her vanity getting ready for her day makes me quit breathing for just a minute.  She is supposed to still be this little girl.
Whether Bode cared or not was irrelevant.  I cared (and thankfully so did Yaya and Ahmo, who made this adorable costume and then drove it all the way up here - THANK YOU!!!).
Mia had several questions prepared for Mrs. Glasser.  Sadly, she didn't pick her so Mia didn't get to ask them.  She did, however, get to dress herself, in case you can't tell.
Now, if you don't think that is the cutest Cat in the Hat on the planet, then you either have your own kid that dressed as him today(in which case I understand that you are biased), or you are just plain crazy.


Gena said...

I am seriously crying looking at Mia. She is so beautiful and SHE IS SUPPOSED TO STILL BE A BABY!!!!!!! Oh my goodness.

OK Chick said...

I love Fancy Nancy books!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

That does sound like a fun week! And Mia's hair is as long and beautiful as yours now. Crazy.

Does Bode know the powers that the Cat in the Hat has?

Dancin' in the Rain! said...

What a cute post!!! Ok, I need to know how you made the Cat in the Hat costume, my 5 year old wants to be him for halloween, email me at and let me know! It's so, so cute!!!!

Allison said...

Stopping by from Kelly's link up. What a cute post with cute kiddos.