So I never really told my husband about this blog. But in my defense, he never asked. It wasn't exactly a secret, it was just one of those things that never came up. And, for some reason I only want the entire blogoshpere to know my secrets - not Andy. So he busted me (about my little Starbucks problem, see previous post, I am too lazy to figure out how to link it).
Hubby: Hmmm, where is all of Mia's money? I thought there was more than this in Wilber (the piggy bank)?
Me: No tellin'
Hubby: You don't suppose someone took it, do you?
Me: I don't suppose (trying to look completely uninterested and unconcerned).
Hubby: I can't imagine what kind of person would do that.
Me: I can't even imagine a person that sick.
Hubby: Except maybe yourself - you will replace that money you know.
Me: Who told you?
Hubby: Lots of people. I hope that mocha was worth it.
Me: It was.
There is nothing like a marriage built on secrets, deception, and sarcasm. These are the qualities that will stand the test of time, or at least eight years.